Customized Calls to Boost Conversions

CallsU combines business data with decades of sales expertise to conduct localized calls that align with your business goals and target customers. Delight customers with CallsU’s regional experience across 40 different languages.

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Client Testimonial

Alan Hughes

Head of Marketing in iGaming

"CallsU allowed us to tap into one of our largest resources of leads - our existing and previous customers - I would highly recommend to any business."

Communicate the Right Message at the Right Time

We employ professional callers to be the voice of your company. Our reporting includes advanced call analytics that can guide your leads from prospect to conversion.

Why Phone Calls?

Empathetic human interactions are still the #1 lead generator.

85%of consumers abandon a call after reaching an automated attendant.

93%of customers are likely to repurchase from companies with excellent customer service.

61%of mobile searchers consider phone calls essential during the purchase phase.

Applicable Across the Buyer Journey



Use lead scoring to cold-call viable leads and cultivate an interest in your offerings.


Engage with sales-qualified leads as soon as they convert on your channels.


Promptly address customers’ needs and ease them through to a converted sale.


Ensure long-standing customer relationships and value-added customer experiences.



Use lead scoring to cold-call viable leads and cultivate an interest in your offerings.


Engage with sales-qualified leads as soon as they convert on your channels.


Promptly address customers’ needs and ease them through to a converted sale.


Ensure long-standing customer relationships and value-added customer experiences.

How We Work

Find out more

Our trained telemarketers reach out to your incoming leads via phone calls. Your caller team is trained and supplied with proven scripts to ensure a successful campaign.

Where We Work

CallsU operates internationally, fulfilling dozens of companies’ call center needs worldwide. Currently, we carry out localized calls in over 190 countries, providing high-level communications on a global scale. Find out how our operations work in your country.

Contact Us


Experienced Call Agents

We employ and train highly skilled callers for your outbound calling needs.

call center setup

Easy Set up

The process is simple: we receive your segmented customer list and get calling!

Seamless Integration

Quickly integrate your systems through methods such as APIs or SFTP.

call center quality assurance

Client Testimonial

Hanna McAdams

Human Resource Manager

"Our experience with CallsU has been extremely positive. Their well trained callers are an amazing extension of our business and allow us to outperform our sales goals month to month."

Certified Quality Assurance

Our dedicated CallsU agents, advanced call training, and top-of-the-market data tools, ensure excellent results that comply with your company’s expectations.

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